7004 Unable to find the file. Please check the name and location and try again.
7005 This file already exists and is marked as 'Read-only'.
7006 Unable to save the file [%s].
7007 This folder does not exist.
7008 Frame number error.
7009 This buffer is not a Ulead packed Save Data buffer.
7010 The version of the packed buffer is not the current one.
8000 The file [%s]\nalready exists. Replace the existing file?
8001 The value must be between %d and %d.
8002 The file [%s]\ncontains no audio data.
8003 The file [%s]\ncontains no video data.
8004 Video and Audio
8005 Video Only
8006 Audio Only
8007 Data Rate Analysis
8008 &Close
8012 Invalid frame size.\nThe range must be between %d and %d.
8013 Cannot process a 4-bit audio data.
9008 The subject and description should not exceed %d and %d characters respectively. The string(s) will be truncated after saving.\nContinuing saving?
9009 Cannot save [%s] .\nThe file already exists and is marked as 'Read-only'.
9010 Too many files selected. Please deselect some files and try again.